consists of different Radio systems, various Navigational Aids, types of Radar equipment and its spares and components along with other accessories.
consists of various types of Aircraft Instruments, Engine Instruments, Electrical Instruments and various other instruments from the Flight Deck.
consists of all Aircraft electrical systems and components along with spares and accessories. Eg. Starters, Generators, Batteries, switch etc.
In addition to the practical training at the academy, the students are sent to industries and aeronautical establishments for the training during semester vacations. Further, industrial training visits are arranged periodically to different manufacturing and overhaul divisions of private and public companies like HAL, Air Works India Pvt. Ltd., Air India, Taneja Aerospace & Aviation Limited and other aeronautical establishments in Bangalore.
The Academy has a well-stocked library which contains books on various types of aircrafts, aero engines, aircraft systems and aviation engineering and management.
Students are encouraged to design, fabricate and develop aeronautical system training aids under the able guidance of expert instructors.